‘The Liberation of Eve’ is showing at Flinderslane Gallery in Melbourne as part of the internationally curated exhibition ‘Storytellers’ 31st March - 24th April. Due to the current restrictions the exhibition is online via a virtual tour. I’m very grateful to @poetsartists@eschmidt3400 and @flinderslanegallery for curating my work with such wonderfully talented Australian and international artists! . Contact the gallery for more details….
“The biblical story of Adam and Eve has shaped western societies perception of the roles and interaction of men and women for centuries. From the outset Eve is represented as subservient to Adam (his helper) and after they partake of the forbidden fruit, she became known as the source of original sin, responsible for all the misfortunes suffered by mankind. The portrayal of Eve’s nature in the book of Genesis is one of a gullible, morally weak, disobedient, untrustworthy, seductress. Unfortunately, this characterisation has been insinuated so deeply into our culture that both men and women, consciously or unconsciously, believe it to be the natural condition of women. Given the intimate, historical connection between law and religion, the story of Eve and other biblical text has provided men with the rationale and reason to curtail and limit not only women’s legal rights but also their social, sexual, religious, political, and economic freedom. The current ongoing struggle for gender equality and empowerment of women is both inspiring and daunting. I can’t help but wonder what our society would look like if the bible had been written by a prophetically inspired female? ”